
Fleetwood Place to pilot Toch Sleepsense bed sensor

Tochtech Technologies wins 2020 AGE-WELL National Impact ChallengeTochtech Technologies wins 2020 AGE-WELL National Impact Challenge

Tochtech Technologies and Fleetwood Place are about to embarked on a pilot program of Tochtech’s latest Sleepsense bed sensor. Fleetwood Place is a residential care facility offering Long Term Care that is based in Surrey. Both Tochtech and Fleetwood Place beli eve that this latest technology can play a role in supporting care staff in ensuring residents are safe and are notified of emergencies in a timely manner.

“The objective of the pilot is for Fleetwood Place staff and management to understand how Sleepsense can be effectively integrated with their current systems and operations. We are also looking for feedback to further improve our technology, and pilot programs are an excellent way of working with the community.” said Jessica Yang, CEO of Tochtech.

Fleetwood Palace

Placed under the frame of the bed, Sleepsense is able to detect body movement, in and out of bed status and vital signs (heart and breathing rate). Real time alerts are then sent directly to caregivers’ smartphones or a nurse call


system when a health or safety risk is identified. Sleepsense ensures care staff are constantly updated on the status of residents without having to physically check on them, and alerted on residents most in need of assistance. This new technology offers residents increased safety, especially high risk residents in Assisted Living and Long Term Care. Toch Sleepsense was the recent winner the 2020 AGE-WELL National Impact Challenge Competition.

Senior living providers interested in participating in the Sleepsense pilot program can contact Tochtech at 1-800-360-1286 or [email protected]

Watch the Toch Sleepsense video