The costs of being a caregiver are well-documented, and now, more than ever, these issues are being highlighted from the significant growth in the senior population over recent years. According to Statistics Canada, 3 in 10 Canadians are family caregivers, and this responsibility takes its toll physically, psychologically and financially.
Time taken off of work by caregivers is estimated to cost upwards of $5000 to a family per year. For businesses, employees who are caregivers miss an average of 6.6 days per year, which on a larger scale can end up costing companies between $17 – $33 billion yearly from lost productivity. On top of this, on a personal level, the severe feeling of “financial strain” was also found amongst 36% of caregivers.
As caregiving for our growing senior population becomes more challenging and impacting more of us, Tochtech is working on innovative solutions to help relieve caregivers. Our products Smarturns, Vericare and Tochie focus on providing convenient, safe, and caring ways to remotely care for our seniors. We aim to keep seniors safe in their homes, while offering caregivers peace of mind. To learn more and to see what Tochtech can do for you and your loved ones, visit: