
Value of Smarturns, a safety product confirmed by Home-Fire Studies

SmarturnsTM, is a first in-class kitchen safety product directly addresses the leading cause of home fires. Studies done by the public safety division of Alberta Municipal Affairs on the home-fire statistics in Canada have yielded important results. Highlights of these findings include:

  • The age group that holds the highest risk of dying in a home fire are those 75 and older
  • Cooking is the leading cause of in-home fires
  • The kitchen is the most common area of origin for in-home fires

In the US, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) reports that people over the age of 65 have a 2.5 times greater risk of dying in a kitchen fire than the general population. According to FEMA, cooking is one of the leading causes of fire in the home, accounting for thousands of injuries, death and significant property damage. As the generation on boomers age, kitchen safety will only become a greater concern.

These staggering, yet unsurprising statistics reinforce popular belief about home fires being more prevalent in the kitchen and risks of a fire increase as we age. Caregivers surveyed by Tochtech informed us that the risk of a kitchen fire from an unattended stove is a main driver for a senior moving to an assisted living facility.

Recognizing this problem, Tochtech developed SmarturnsTM, which solves stovetop kitchen fires by transforming any stove into a smart stove. To read more about SmarturnsTM and to see how Tochtech is making a difference, visit: